Privacy policy on the protection personal data from

In accordance with the porovision of RGPD and law N° 78-17 of January 1978 relating computers, files and freedoms are amended applicable on june 1st 2019, The HOTEL FRANCOIS IER ROCHELLE SAS collects and uses personal datas.

Theses datas are linked to the exercices of its commercial activity of presenting its hotel.
the Hotel François Ier is a charming hotel located in the city center , next to the central market and the harbour of La Rochelle.

Hotel Francois Ier collects directly under its name personal data from internet users direct customers, candidates, service providers or buisness partners, as part of a visit or request for information on its website the response to these requests and reservations.

François Ier informs you below of its policy for the protection of personal data collected at the end of the visit to the website.

Any other information relating to personal data collected other than on its website is subjected to a specific data protection policy.

The data controller is SAS FRANCOIS IER ROCHELLE represented by Mr HUMEAU. The full contact details of François Ier are under our legal notices tab.

Article 1 – Purposes of processing

a – Legitimate interst and pre-contractual and contractual performances. In accordance with article 5 of the law of Januarty 6 1978 as amended the Hotel François Ier collects only personal information relating to the users and only for his legitimate interest and the contractual or pre-contractual performance of its services

1 Information request

when you submit a request information on our hotel and our services using the form in the “practical info” tab of the website, your personal data is requested in order to allow us to contact you again to respond to your request in order to allow us to contact you again to respond to your request. If subsequently you accepted a commercial proposal from us this data is used within the framework of the management of the commercial relationship and the associated services (customer follow-up, satisfaction survey).

In case of a request for information, for the execution of the requested operation, the purposes are follows :

  • Sending information or providing the commercial services you have requested (request for quotation, request for information on the services of François Ier)
  • Booking tracking
  • Preparation and sending invoice

In the case of a request for information fo our legitimate interest, the purposes are as follows :

  • Evaluation of you satisfaction and improvments of our services.

2 Job application

When you send your application to François Ier we collect your personal data, transmited, as well as any other attached elements. These datas are used by SAS FRANCOIS IER ROCHELLE for the purpose of studying your application in the event that we retain it, we will your personal data to constitute your employee file and we will then communicate to you our data protection policy concerning the personal data will be delated if your application is not accepted, your personal data will be delated at the end period mentionned in Article 3.

In case of an application for the performance of our services the purposes are as follows :

  • Study of your application by the managment of François Ier

3 Reservation of one or more rooms

When you wish to book on the website you must click on the “BOOK” link. You will then be redirected to our reservation management services provider D-EDGE.COM editor fo the website, during your reservation request, personal data will be collected by D-EDGE.COM and processed by us to execute your reservation request and validate it.

For the performance of the request service the purposes are as follows :

  • Sending an e-mail confirmation
  • Sending of pre-stay information on the operation of the hotel in particular concerning arrival and departures time, the possibility of parking and other information relating to the stay at Hotel François Ier.

For our legitimate interest the purposes are as follow :

  • Management of the commercial relationship
  • Sending of commercial communications relating to our services
  • Evaluation of your satisfaction and improvement of our services

4 Display notices

Our website displays customer reviews published online on various online website such as Agoda,, Expedia ect

SAS FRANCOIS IER ROCHELLE does not collect or process personal data relating to the author of the publication s of these notices. These reviews are collected directly from the third party website, where the original posting of the reviews took place.

These opinions are then collected and consolidated by the company Customer Alliance GmbH.
The hotel François Ier only collects statistics wich do not containt personal data concerning the customer.

Reviews retrieved and processed by customer alliance are the displayed on our website

To consult the cusomer Alliance Privacy policy on the protection of personal data, you can click on the following link

5 Visit on our website

As part of its commercial activities, the SAS HOTEL FRANCOIS 1ER ROCHELLE presents and markets its services through its website, to this end in accordance with article 5 of the law of 6th january 1978 as amended, it collects only personal information relating to the users ans only for the legitimate interest is has :

  • To ensure the security of its website and in particular to prevent and identify any malicious intrusion attempts.
  • To guarantee the proper functioning of the website.
  • To collect for statistical purposes, studies and marketin analyzes carried out by it, to improve its website in terms of its presentation of attendance.
  • To allow updating of its prospecting files.
  • To manage requests for rights of access, rectification, opposition, rights to portability and other rights of the person on his data listed in Article 5

b Plugin and consents

SAS FRANCOIS IER ROCHELLE uses various plugins to ensure the security and proper functioning of its website

Some of these security and operational plugins collect personal datas wich is transfered to companies in the UE zONE or other countries (outside UE Zone) but whose level of datas pretections has been deemed adequate by the EU zone (Art.4)

However three of these plugins transfer persona data outside the EU Zone and in countries wich do not guarantee the adequate level of security required by the commission of the E.U

From their first access to the website the user’s consent is collected for these 3 plugins via the information baneer displayed at the bottom of the screen. The internet user can withdraw his consent at the following adress.

Article 2 -Data collected and processed

For security reasons : strictly necessary data is collected when browsing the website :

  • The URL of the links through wich the user, access to the website
  • The user’s internet browser
  • The user’s operating system
  • The user’s internet protocol (IP adress)

For the creation of a form in the “Practical info” tab, when a person fills in the datas to contact us, the following personal dat is collected

– Last name,

– First name,

– Individual mail adress

– Phone number

SAS FRANCOIS Ier SAS also collects and stores the subjects and contents of the message wich are not personal data, but may content some.

When you send an application via our website on the Hotel François Ier collects and processes the personal data that you have provided on curriculum vitae and on your cover letter, in addition tot the data that you have provided in our contact form by sending us your application.

For a room reservation request, the following personal data is collected by the D-Edge company and sent to the François Ier to process your request

– first name

– last name,

– civility,

– email,

– phone number,

– adress,

– post code,

– city,

– country,

– language,

Bank information, credit card number, expiry date, cryptogram, name of the card provider.

Article 3 Data conservation

datas are kept only for the necessary time for the purposes for wich it was collected and is in any case destroyed at the end of it.

a Information request

Following a commercial request :

  • Customer’s data are kept 3 years after the last commercial transaction
  • Data relative to a prospect are kept 3 years from the last commercial contact

b Transmition of an application

When receiving spontaneous application form or in a response to a job offer the personal data collected is kept onlys as long as the managment of François Ier Rochelle can study it once the position is filled, the personal data of candidates are archived. They are kept for one year to re-contact the candidate if the requested post becomes available in this interval before being abolished.

The personal data of successfull candidates is governed by our specific personal data protection policy and is then communicated to the person.